The Best Ways to Secure Marine and Generator Tanks

One of the common concerns among fuel tank owners is the safety and security of the tank and the fuel stored in it. Here are a few guidelines you can follow to keep your epa standards marine gas tanks safe:



Lock your tanks

Most of the boaters who are always on a hurry to fishing at the end of the day forget to secure their tank. This mistake sometimes costs them heavily when they find someone has stolen the valuable fuel from it. Most tanks don’t come with an integral or additional lock. Some generator tanks have lock box to prevent fuel theft. If you’re considering purchasing a $2 small padlock then you’re wrong because that won’t guarantee the security of your tank. Premium locks may cost little more but they are worth the investment and promise full protection.

Make sure your tanks are visible

Locking your portable fuel tank will give you the peace of mind against the possibility of any fuel theft. Mostly the bigger consideration for place of the EPA standards marine gas tanks is convenience. Your convenience is important but it can also be convenient for a burglar.

It would be better if you place the tanks in a good visible area. The nearer the tank is from your presence the better. Theft mostly occurs at commercial properties like transport yards and farms that usually large amount of fuel. It’s better to place generator tanks in your close vicinity so that thieves think twice before making an attempt.

Use sufficient light

Leaving your tanks in the dark can be a costly mistake. If you’re tank is installed at an appropriate place, putting more light around it will give it enhanced low-cost security. You may contact lighting experts to illuminate the surrounding area of your tank.

If you’re looking for high-quality EPA standards marine gas tanks, then you can contact SpeedyTanks. You can order fuel tanks for customized fabrication and they provide the best products at affordable rates.